Sex is complex and so is the initiation of our contraceptives (Depo-Provera)
Sex is complex and so is the initiation of our contraceptives (Depo-Provera)
Our first time together, emergency contraception, pregnancy tests and elevated bloodpressure!
Our first time together
Emergency contracepiton
pregnancy tests
evelated bloodpressure…
So many things enter the mind and heart of a woman starting to have intercourse with someone. There are a number of things to be learned from the long case that follows, but perhaps the most important is this:
sexual relationships demand so much attention to details.
Sex is complex!
Sex is complex, especially if a woman’s contraceptive completely changes her periods!
Stress is everywhere!
Stress is everywhere  Robert A. Hatcher MD, MPH     Stress is all about us. It creeps into our lives like fog the day after a rainstorm. Stress seems to taunt us with the refrain: “Stop me if you can.â€Â But sometimes it seems almost impossible to...
Are all combined hormonal contraceptives at risk for reduced effectiveness if a patient is being treated for hepatitis?
One of the advantages of Depo-Provera is that its effectiveness is NOT compromised by either Rifampicin or anit-seizure meds.
On January 4, 2010, birth control pills were 50 years old!
It’s the cracks that let the light get in!
Happy New Year!
Silent Night in Bethlehem
My visit was incredible, simply one of the most powerful experiences in my life.
Vasectomy use worldwide as of 2009 review!
The Global Pattern of Vasectomy Use  Vasectomies, or male sterilization, are a highly underutilized method of family planning, although they are safer, simpler, less expensive and equally as effective as female sterilization. Throughout the world,...
Vasectomy is just a little snip! Why are men such cowards?
Above is a daigram of what happens when a man has a vasectomy. Why don’t men get it?  When a man and a woman have decided that they definitely want no more children, vasectomy may be the method to consider first. A:       Vasectomy makes a vast difference...