by Managing Contraception | Jul 7, 2012 | Dr. Bob Hatcher, Newsletter
Thanks to my wife, several people from my church, a nearby neighbor in Tiger, the 2011 Celebrate Clayton festival and one particular person, Robin Welch, who has lost 91 pounds since I originally knew her, I was introduced last April to the local Weight Watchers...
by Managing Contraception | Jul 5, 2012 | Dr. Bob Hatcher, Newsletter
So you really don’t want to become pregnant  MESSAGE: 4 possible recommendations for all women and men: If there is any doubt at all as to whether you are protected against an unwanted pregnancy, the next time it looks as though sexual intimacy is about to lead to...
by Managing Contraception | Jun 15, 2012 | Dr. Bob Hatcher, Newsletter
God, grant me the serenity… The serenity prayer is probably my favorite prayer. It starts: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference,” ….that’s...
by Managing Contraception | May 26, 2012 | Dr. Bob Hatcher, Newsletter
The games we play in our heads          Everyone does it. We do it all the time. We play little games in our head. We won’t step on the crack as we walk along a sidewalk. We count the number of times in a row we can kick a little rock as we walk along...
by Managing Contraception | May 24, 2012 | Dr. Bob Hatcher, Newsletter
Trigger Question:  What’s the best advice that might be given to everyone about contraceptive effectiveness? Q:       Is there some information about contraceptive effectiveness that might be given as a part of the answer to almost ALL questions about...